Peace of Mind for Seniors. It’s Easier Than You Think.
Mindfulness meditation creates peace of mind. Mindfulness meditation is about being in the present moment.
It is a type of meditation that focuses on awareness of what you are sensing and feeling throughout the day.
Buddhist traditions explain how the past, present, and future moments leave sense impressions and mental records within us. These can influence our life even without us knowing.
Mindfulness practice appeared in western countries in the 1970s. Clinical psychology and psychiatry have developed numerous therapies based on mindfulness principles.
They are used to reduce depression, stress, and anxiety. They can help with the treatment of drug addiction.
Mindfulness includes using breathing and guided imagery to relax the mind and body and reduce stress.
Education authorities have also introduced mindfulness programs in schools, hospitals, prisons, veterans, and senior citizens centres.
Mindfulness programs are applied to healthy aging, weight management, athletic performance, and helping children with special needs.
They are also used to calm expectant mothers.
Although clinical studies have documented mindfulness’s physical and mental health benefits, they warn that high self-focus can be harmful if taken to the extreme.
Inner peace is what counts, and this is what mindfulness is all about.
Try to avoid the following activities to maintain your inner peace.
Minimize Your Social Media Activity
Many seniors use social media to stay connected to family and friends. Overdoing a connection with social media probably affects your inner peace.
Are you one of the many seniors who fear they may miss out on a notification from family and friends?
Do you have to always have your phone with you?
Reducing the power of social media over your life takes consistent effort on your part. Plan to gradually reduce the amount of time
you spend on social media and let your friends know your decision.
Social media can be addictive, and your reliance on it can be challenging to control.
Ask for Help if You Need It
Do not hesitate to ask for help? Do you prefer being independent? No one is an island. We rely on one another.
Asking for help gives other people the impression that you are an ordinary, vulnerable human being.
It gives them the message that you will support others when needed.
Stop the Self-Pity
You have control over your feelings.
Do you often feel sorry for yourself? If you do, you won’t find inner peace easily. Self-pity triggers negative thoughts.
Make a vow to eliminate self-pity from your daily life. Let it go as soon as it appears.
Life has probably taught you that things will not always turn out the way you expected them to.
Often, this will be beyond your control. It is a waste of valuable energy to feel sorry for yourself over something you cannot change.
Sharing with a friend often changes your perspective on what is troubling you.
Avoid Negativity
Negativity is the enemy of inner peace. Feel gratitude by reflecting upon all the good things life has given you.
Don’t ignore negative people. Remember, they are worried.
The best thing to do is to reduce the amount of time you spend with them.
Ignore negative things online and watching the news on TV. Doing this is almost always focusing on the negative.
Introduce Mindfulness Exercises to Your Life Today
The best approach is to take it easy. A few minutes a day are enough.
The three qualities of mindfulness are:
Concentration. Experiencing life in the present moment
Awareness. Noticing what is going on around you.
Attitude. Being kind, curious and non-judgemental.
To keep in the present moment during the day, try to include some one-minute exercises.
Choose from the following mindfulness exercises:
- Every hour, yawn (can be fake) and stretch for ten seconds
- Take a big breath, then cross your arms three times
- Alternate stroking the back of each hand
- Concentrate on eating a raisin
- Clench your fist and then breathe into your fingers
- Concentrate on your breathing
- Meditate on what it means to be loving and kind
Mindfulness Meditation enables you to take control of your life.
Take care of yourself by deciding to have a mindful life by living in the moment.
You will then awaken yourself to the present. This will help you to maintain a positive attitude.
Being focused on the present prevents you from dwelling on the past or anticipating the future.
A mindful person observes and labels their thoughts, feelings, and body sensations honestly.
You can make mindfulness your tool to avoid self-criticism and judgement.
This will enable you to identify and manage your difficult emotions.
Remember, a few minutes of quiet and reflection can reward you with inner peace and a positive attitude.